
Monday, December 20, 2010

Waz Up

Waz up, just chillin' at home. What are you guys doin'. By you guys, I mean my followers. So just leave a comment. Hey if you have any ideas for Simpy videos, then leave me comment. If you don't know who Simpy is, then I'll tell you. Simpy is so freaky who is 13, doesn't use proper english, and is kind of creepy.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Hey guys, guess what I'm doing right now. I'm listening to my pod in class. My digital photography teacher lets us on Fridays. I'm so excited because this is my last class of the day and well I have no homework. Plus it's the end of the semester. After this I get to go home and have Christmas vacation. Yes, I'm almost jumping out of my seat. Hey, want to know what I'm listening to? Well, I'm listening to Daughtry. I'm just so excited. Well, talk to you later.